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Association Best Practices Webinar Series

By Kristen Palm
With our work with associations, we have honed in on and become experts as to what makes a visually-appealing, user-friendly association website. Part of becoming experts means teaming up with other experts to bring you our shared knowledge.  This is why we created the Association Best Practices webinar series.  Our first series launched in 2017 and we have just launched the next round for 2019 and going into 2020. We hope you can join us for these free, educational opportunities. Read Article

10 Quick Tips for Managing Association Data (by Guest, Wes Trochlil)

By Rich Campbell
Wes Trochlil, president of association consulting firm, Effective Data Management, shares that data is an essential asset for any association. It’s what drives member engagement, increases member retention, creates additional revenue, and enhances marketing efforts. He notes that most associations are doing a better job than they think they are at managing data; however, there is always room for improvement. Read Article
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