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Engage AMS: Recent Updates to the Software as a Service

By Rich Campbell

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In the past year we have released several updates - some focused on small improvements and a few major changes based on client feedback. Our continuous improvement Software as a Service (SaaS) model allows us to act quickly and release updates in a timely manner.

Here are some of the recent highlights:


  • Added an unsubscribe link to emails sent through broadcast allowing members/event registrants to opt-out of receiving those communications while still allowing to receive the event-specific registration emails.
  • Updated the logic to prevent members from submitting multiple pending applications when manual approvals are turned on thus requiring them to wait while their initial application is going through the approval process
  • Participant-based price rules allow admins to specify different prices based on who the person is. The functionality already exists to specify different prices based on a user’s membership role, but now admins can take it further by saying specific people have different pricing.
  • Added logic to recognize bad email addresses - ever have someone provide a fake email address? We now have a tool running a check to verify that the email is valid without the annoying “Please Verify Your Email” triggered message that some websites send before allowing users to proceed with a registration.
  • Optimized the following areas of the application for performance/speed improvement:
    • Registration/Checkout
    • Viewing and Editing of Price Rules
    • Managing Events 
    • Dashboard Statistics


Major Changes

  • Started a new partnership with Stax as a payment provider so our clients can choose to either use Stax or Stripe to handle the check-out/payment process.
  • Redesigned the admin dashboard with a more modern approach to navigation.


New Functionality

  • Simplified the member “Rejoin” process.  
    • We have lowered the barrier for your members to rejoin your organization. We realize how important financial commitment from members is to every organization. From the member’s “My Membership” view, the member can access the membership they wish to rejoin and click the Rejoin button to start the process. This will then take them to the previously filled-out application for the membership and give them the opportunity to make any updates, if needed. If the membership is configured to auto-approve, they will then be taken to the checkout page where they can pay. If the membership is configured to manual approval, then they will have to wait for an administrator to review their application and next steps.

screenshot of rejoin

  • With the rejoin feature, we have also added configuration so that admins can change the application price (if you choose to have an application fee). The price may be higher or lower than the initial application fee when the member first joined.
  • Reinstatement Workflow
    • Similar to the rejoin workflow, we have added functionality to support reinstatements. The difference is that the reinstatement workflow does not require the member to reapply. The member simply clicks the reinstate button located on the “My membership” page. Then, a new membership is created as well as an invoice for payment. Unlike the rejoin, the member does not need to review their application and resubmit. The idea of a reinstatement is generally for a member who has been lapsed for a shorter amount of time. Rejoin is for memberships that were expired for a longer period of time, requiring the need to verify information.
    • This feature also has configuration to define the amount of time the membership has been expired and allowing the member to still have the option to reinstate. After the expiration exceeds the amount of time set, they will no longer have the reinstate option, only rejoin.


What’s Coming Next?

  • Ability to opt-out of saving a credit card during checkout
  • Ability to delete your credit card from your profile
  • Quickbooks integration
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