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the Free Tip Sheet

As an association, active members, sponsors and supporters are your livelihood. Without them, you would cease to exist. However, staying connected to these individuals can be a challenge. In order to drive traffic to your website and stay engaged with your visitors, it is essential that your website speaks directly to their needs. But, as simple as it may it sound, not everyone is an expert when it comes to properly developing a website.

In this free tip sheet, you will learn the key items you must recognize while developing a new website in order to:

  • Drive traffic to your website
  • Continuously engage and stay connected to your members, sponsors and supporters
  • Give your visitors a reason to return in the future

So let's jump right in!

#1 Know Your Audience

#2 Define a Clear Purpose for Your Website

#3 Convey a Brand that is True to Your Association

#4 Ensure Functionality and Usability

#5 Content is King

#6 Set a Realistic Budget

#7 Establish a Project Timeline

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