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Download the Free Tip Sheet

Beyond events, your association’s website is often the most salient connection between you and your members. It must represent your organization in the most positive light and it must offer a positive user experience. It should be well designed and equally functional. It should meet your current business objectives, and be adaptable to future needs. Choosing the right web firm to develop or redesign your website is critical to the success of your organization.

To select the right agency for your website, it is important to include questions on your request for proposal (RFP) that look beyond the technical scope of the project. In our new tip sheet, you will learn the essential questions that will help your evaluation team find a firm that:

  • Possesses both technical and design expertise
  • Values collaborative partnerships
  • Provides ongoing support and thorough training

Download our tip sheet now to learn how you can find the best web design firm for your next website project!

RFP Tip Sheet

Get your copy of Beyond RFP Technical Requirements: How to Choose the Best Web Firm for Your Project

Best Practices for Associations Download our e-book