Your Engage AMS solution is built on a core association management platform that includes membership management, event management, payment processing, recurring billing and so much more. Engage AMS service includes:
Engage AMS includes the full membership process to run your organization. Our software begins with an application for membership, provides different membership levels, has approval workflow, automated emails, dues payments and ends with the member creating an association profile and access to the member directory.
Automate your membership application process, collect vital information and complete payment in a single step. Eliminate manual paperwork, save time and give your new members an awesome first impression.
Membership levels make it easy to offer special perks and to maximize your association revenue. Membership levels also work with permission based website content to display unique content to each group of members.
Research shows that renewal cycyles can impact your membership renewal rate. Each association may have a different formula for success. Don't let your software limit your options to growing your revenue.
Automate your renewals and bill your members with recurring billing. You are able to configure your renewal workflow, grace periods, email messaging and payment processing creating a cycle that works for you.
Do you need to offer Company Level memberships that will accommodate your trade association? No problem. Enage AMS makes it easy to manage corporate memberships as well as individual membership levels.
Grow your membership base by giving members an easy tool to invite other contacts to join your association. Members are even able to add non-member contacts responsible for trade association billing purposes.
Each event can be customized to match your needs. Our form builder allows you to customize the registration process so that you can collect the right information for each event. Flexible pricing rules allow you to create installment plans, provide early discounts, late surcharges, coupons, members discounts and much more.
Flexibility is the dream and Engage AMS allows you to specify if your event is open to the public or available to members only and hidden from public view.
There's more to an event than just one featured speaker, so we offer session specific registrations included with the base AMS platform.
Sometimes extra materials are needed or promo items are handed out. Why not make that part of the registration process? Add on the add-ons and have those bagged up and ready to hand out upon check-in.
Is seating room limited? Turn on event capacity. Then when that capacity has been reached, new registrants are added to the waiting list.
Do you provide incentives for early registration? Maybe certain members receive special discounts. No matter the structure, event pricing can be what you need.
As your members move through the registration process, each item is bundled with the others to create one order and one payment for simple tracking.
Engage will provide and build a website using one of our existing themes. Engage AMS functionality is fully integrated within this website. From here, you can build pages and author content or we can assist you with migrating your existing content.
Consolidate your systems and break free from expensive, independent software. Engage AMS is a public-facing & members-only website along with a backend administrative tool.
Engage AMS is built on DNN platform, a free CMS. Then we build out your specific site leveraging an existing theme. With these tools, you can create your own pages and content.
Members are special and should have content/pages/events that are exclusive to them. Within DNN, you can assign permissions to be public or members only.
Another special tool within DNN is the ability to revert back to previous versions of the module/content. Make a mistake or need to see old copy, simply restore the old version.
By now, you know that having a mobile-friendly site is a must-have. All Engage AMS sites and modules are automatically responsive and will flex based on the screen size.
Need more than just public vs. members-only? Make your Gold members feel extra special by giving them access to specific areas that only they can see.
Engage AMS provides a fully integrated payment experience. Your members and guests stay on your site for all e-commerce payments and donations.
Engage AMS utilizes Stripe for credit and debit card processing. Stripe boosts clientele such as Instacart, Lyft, Shopify, and more. Secure and simple, it's easy to get started.
We know that every association serves a greater purpose, which is why every event registration includes the option for a charitable donation. Making is easy and part of the process to support the purpose.
Sometimes a member needs to break their dues into payments. This system allows you, the admin, the customize those payment plans and make your members happy.