
All Posts Author: Chris Hammond

Engage Software, now serving Europe!

Actually we've always served Europe, and customers around the world. I am fortunate enough to get to travel to The Netherlands this weekend, and it even gets to be work related! I'm heading to the One Day SDN event on 12/14/2009 in Houten, The Netherlands. I will be delivering three presentations on Monday, (read the full blog post for all the info)



OpenForce 09 Day 1 Update

So things are running smoothly so far at OpenForce here in Las Vegas. The Engage guys are all enjoying their time. Ian and Dang had one of the first sessions of the event this morning, and finished that up like champs. We handed out T-Shirts after the session, though people are requesting our hunter orange shirts from last year. We’ve got some red/maroon shirts this year, sorry to disappoint.

DotNetNuke Portal Admin webinar starts tomorrow (9/15/2009)

Here at Engage we’ve been doing DotNetNuke Training for well over 5 years now. Initially we provided training for existing clients, but over time we realized that we had the knowledge and a market to branch out and provide our training services on a larger scale. We even became the first, and so far the only, Official DotNetNuke Training provider.

Starting tomorrow (Tuesday 9/15/2009) we are conducting another round of our DotNetNuke Portal Admin class via our webinar instruction. Our webinar training provides some of our DNN classes over a three day period. This round is Tuesday through Thursday this week, from Noon to 2pm CST. If you’re interested in attending our Portal Admin class for further instruction in the art of DotNetNuke administration be sure to get signed up as there is still time.

If you are interested in other training information about DotNetNuke I’ve taken the time to write up a little more detail about the training that Engage provides for DotNetNuke, please check out the full blog post for that info.

DotNetNuke Sessions at the upcoming St. Louis Day of DotNet

So if you have been under a rock lately, you might not have heard about the upcoming St. Louis Day of DotNet event at the end of August, the 28th and 29th. I’ve been working the past few weeks to try to get some DotNetNuke sessions lined up, and so far things are coming along nicely! We’ve got at least 4 sessions currently, and I believe we’ll have probably 8 total sessions if myself and Cuong Dang get a couple more submissions in there later today.

Engage: Publish 5.4 Released

So it’s been way too long, 6 months to be pretty exact, since we had a new release for Engage: Publish. Well last Thursday it finally came! We released Publish 5.4 on our website, though without announcement because of everything else we have had going on. Well here’s the announcement!

Day of DotNetNuke, a weekend in review

So Dang and I headed off to Tampa Florida on Thursday to get ready for the Day of DNN event, as well as teach a few of our DotNetNuke Workshops. We flew down Thursday morning, picked up our rental car (after an upgrade to a full size that worked out well, more on that later). Once we made our way over to the hotel we checked in and began working on our presentations for Saturday, there’s nothing like leaving it to the last minute right? When we checked in we picked up two packages, one with the materials for our workshops on Friday/Sunday, and one from Wrox with three freshly printed copies of my new book, the first copies I’d actually seen in print so I was pretty excited about that.

Still time to sign up! DotNetNuke Essentials Webinar Starting 5/12/2009

In just under 24 hours I’ll be starting the first in our series of paid DotNetNuke Virtual Classroom sessions, our DotNetNuke Essentials class.  If you’re interested in signing up there is still time! $199 for 6 hours of instructor led DNN training, 2 hours each day.

We had a great turnout to our two DotNetNuke Intro session that we held over the past few weeks, and will be offering that class again on June 3rd.

We finally moved in! We got a sign!

So we've been in the building for well over five years now, I've been with Engage 5yrs coming up in May. While we did move downstairs, from upstairs (obviously), in that time, we have never had a sign on the building with our name. Well today that changed, check out the new Engage signage out front, I must say, I think it looks great! But now, instead of people calling the landlord to see if the office space is available, they may call and ask "What's engage?"

Check out the picture of our new sign in the full blog post.

Presenting at the Orlando DotNetNuke User Group Meeting 3/5

I'll be heading to Orlando next week for my first INETA event for 2009. I'll be presenting at the DNN User Group meeting on 3/5. If you're in the area be sure to come to the meeting, I'll have some Engage: Hunting shirts to give away (the same bright orange that were a hit in Las Vegas at Open Force!).

Check out the full blog post for all of the meeting information.

DotNetNuke Custom Modules? Yeah we do that

One thing we learned in Las Vegas at OpenForce 08 last week, one of many things actually, was that most people think that Engage Software only provides DotNetNuke Training. While we do provide training, and have teamed up with the DotNetNuke Corporation to be an Official DotNetNuke Training Provider, training is not the only thing we do relating to DNN. Actually, while it has grown tremendously over the past year with our expanded marketing efforts, training makes up only a small portion of our business.

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