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OpenForce 09 Day 1 Update

By Rich Campbell

So things are running smoothly so far at OpenForce here in Las Vegas. The Engage guys are all enjoying their time. Ian and Dang had one of the first sessions of the event this morning, and finished that up like champs. We handed out T-Shirts after the session, though people are requesting our hunter orange shirts from last year. We’ve got some red/maroon shirts this year, sorry to disappoint.

I’ve been live blogging from some of the sessions this morning over on DotNetNuke.com, you can find them with Shaun’s Keynote at OpenForce 09, and Snowcovered session from Brice Snow.

A quick overview of each. Shaun talked about some project stats, what’s happened in the past year, and what’s coming in the next year or two with DNN. Things are looking good!

Brice talked about the history of Snowcovered, and then had some basic stats about that website as well. I think he got attacked afterwards from a few people with questions, being the first time he’s been out in public speaking about SC I think people had a lot pent up! He held up well and presented very well. I look forward to seeing more of him in the future.

We had some lunch after the morning sessions and sat around talking to Brice and Bruce Chapman from Ifinity it was nice to finally meet Bruce after being a big fan of his modules/extensions for a number of years.

The rest of the afternoon is just getting started. I may not live blog from each session, but I’ll try to post an overview later today. At 4:30pm the expo hall opens up for the vendors to show off all their wares.

To follow us and our tweets check out this URL which will show the tweets from Engage guys.

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