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DotNetNuke Custom Modules? Yeah we do that

By Rich Campbell

One thing we learned in Las Vegas at OpenForce 08 last week, one of many things actually, was that most people think that Engage Software only provides DotNetNuke Training. While we do provide training, and have teamed up with the DotNetNuke Corporation to be an Official DotNetNuke Training Provider, training is not the only thing we do relating to DNN. Actually, while it has grown tremendously over the past year with our expanded marketing efforts, training makes up only a small portion of our business.

For the past five years we have been providing custom module solutions for projects ranging from small personal websites thru enterprise level systems built on DotNetNuke. If your team needs a custom module developed by professionals who have been working with DotNetNuke since the beginning of the project be sure to contact us for more information.

Two years ago we started selling some of the modules we’ve developed over the years through our modules portal which can be found at www.engagemodules.com, we continue to develop and release new module ideas, as well as enhancements to our existing modules. All of our module purchases come with a year of free upgrades available via www.engagemodules.com.

Planning a DNN upgrade? Download our guide