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The Stickiest new member engagement programs



Watch on-demand for free

Engage is pleased to offer Association Research Reveals the Stickiest New Member Engagement Programs webinar on-demand. Learn from Association Expert, Amanda Kaiser, who gives presentations approximately 23 times per year to audiences of association professionals, volunteers, and partners.  

Watch to learn:

  • How long your new member engagement program should last
  • How effect phone calls, emails, events, and more are
  • How often you should call and email new members

Who should watch? If you manage, collaborate on or direct an association website you will benefit greatly from learning more about New Member Engagement best practices and techniques.


Meet your speakers:

Amanda Kaiser

Amanda Kaiser

As a professional speaker, Amanda presents to audiences of association professionals, volunteers, and partners over the US and Canada. She has been on ASAE, CalSAE, FSAE, TSAE, and NAHB AMC stages as well as many more SAE’s, AMC, and user conferences; giving approximately 23 keynotes and presentations a year.


Jason Stone

Jason Stone

Jason Stone is Engage's Senior Vice President of Sales and Digital. He is a veteran digital marketer, having started when the Internet was still called "AOL" by most people. Prior to joining Engage, Jason was a serial entrepreneur, and today his previous business ownership experience gives him valuable, client-side perspective. He currently serves on the boards of SLSAE, Executive Connections and Savvy Coders.

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