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Leadership Team

Portrait of Rich Campbell
Rich Campbell Co-Founder/President
Portrait of Henry Kenuam
Henry Kenuam Co-Founder/CEO
Portrait of Kevin O'Brien
Kevin O'Brien Co-Founder/CFO
Portrait of Dawn Kenuam
Dawn Kenuam Office Manager
Portrait of Brian Dukes
Brian Dukes Chief Technology Officer
Portrait of Anthony Overkamp
Anthony Overkamp Creative Director
Portrait of Dave Gambino
Dave Gambino Chief Revenue Officer
Portrait of Trica Brotherton
Trica Brotherton Customer Success Manager
Portrait of Lauren Kenuam
Lauren Kenuam Customer Success
Portrait of Kristen Palm
Kristen Palm Senior Project Manager & Brand Manager

Team Details

Engage's Founders

Team Engage is led by owners, Rich Campbell, Henry Kenuam, and Kevin O'Brien.  Each owner wears many hats - CEO, COO, CFO, human resources, team/office equipment maintenance, product development and more. However, they are all still very passionate about software development and building longlasting vendor/client relationships.

Design & Develop

Creative Director, Anthony Overkamp, is a multi-disciplinary designer and graphic artist. Anthony oversees Team Engage’s design efforts, leading team through best practices on UX/UI, ADA Compliance, responsive themes, branding guidelines, and more. He has been with Engage since 2008.

DNN MVP and Chief Technology Officer, Brian Dukes has been with Engage since ‘06 and has been writing code since ‘98. He is very passionate about helping our clients and our team.

Developers: Team Engage has a slew of front-end, back-end, and full stack developers. Each project is assigned a dedicated, agile-inspired team.

Customer Success

We support SaaS. Our SaaS products are not just plug and play. We help our customers along the way and we have a team just for that.

Digital Marketing

Understanding how people use websites, how they are getting there, what actions they are taking, and more are all critically important data points for marketers and our digital experts help ensure your site speaks to you.

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