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The Client

National Association of Physician Recruiters (NAPR) & World Job Bank (WJB)

NAPR logo

NAPR is a trade association for healthcare recruiting organizations who specialize in Physician, Nurse Practitioner, Physician Assistant, Certified Nurse Anesthetist, and Nurse Midwife clinician placement. Members of NAPR must abide by the NAPR Code of Ethics. Each recruiting organization who is a member of the NAPR can subscribe to the World Job Bank (WJB). The World Job Bank started in 2004 and was one of the first to the market. It provides NAPR members with exclusive access to WJB candidates, on a subscription basis, and is less expensive than most in the outside market. Registration is free for clinicians seeking new employment opportunities.


Growing Pains

As other job boards launched, it created a highly competitive marketplace for the WJB. Technological advancements that came after 2004 had changed the landscape significantly and the World Job Bank was in need of a complete makeover. However, NAPR did not have the upfront funds to do an overhaul.


  • More competition
  • Old code
  • Lack of funds


Finding a True Partner

Wanda Parker, President, NAPR Services, Inc. and NAPR Board Member says, “We sent out a lot of RFPs and interviewed many different people and firms. We found that the pricing and quality of the potential end product was immensely different from vendor-to-vendor But Engage was different. They could really answer technical questions in a way we understood and they weren’t a hard-sell kind of firm. It was important to NAPR that their programmers were not independent contractors, because we knew they would approach the project cohesively, responsibly and professionally .” The NAPR team really liked that Engage has a wide variety of clients in the Association space and a long history of working with associations and other nonprofits. Rich Campbell and Henry Kenuam, Engage co-founders, became involved in the discussions and were able to work with NAPR to bring the project to fruition Engage brought a level of sophistication to the WJB that rivals privately-owned job boards. Being sensitive to NAPR’s nonprofit status, Engage proposed a partnership. Engage absorbs some of the cost of rebuilding the WJB, in reciprocation for the ability to sell the functionality as a licensed SaaS product, similar to the AMS tool, Engage AMS.


  • Partnership
  • SaaS product



Rebuilt World Job Bank

Engage was able to give NAPR a brand new, state-of-the-art Job Bank that they can use to help members grow their businesses. “We rebuilt the whole platform from the ground up, simplified it, used more modern UI and mobile responsive design, and used best practices for SEO and Google’s microdata format for job listings,” says Rich Campbell, Engage co-founder and President. With the microdata format, also called schema.org, job listings will automatically be added to Google’s jobs listing site along with ranking high in organic search. The site also features a bulk upload using xml feeds. Members who have their own jobs’ database can plug the xml feed into WJB so that they do not have retype the job listings. Another new component is the job alerts. Clinicians can set up their account to receive email alerts for jobs, and recruiters can set up alerts based on candidate qualifications. In addition, the WJB integrates with ZipRecruiter. All of the jobs posted in the WJB are pushed to ZipRecruiter daily. Clinicians are assured that jobs posted on the World Job Bank come from reputable firms that have agreed to best ethical practices and that the jobs posted are generally premium. Recruiters can be certain that their only competition for candidates on the WJB are other NAPR members who follow the Code of Ethics. For these reasons, the WJB attracts first-class candidates who are sometimes not found on other job sites. “I’m looking forward to our continued partnership with Engage. I know that their team will keep us on the cutting edge of new technology and will continually improve the World Job Bank,” says, Wanda Parker, President, NAPR Services, Inc. and NAPR Board Member


  • Brand new website
  • Sync to Google and ZipRecruiter
  • Continual site improvements


Portrait of Rich Campbell
Rich Campbell Developer & Project Manager
Portrait of Anthony Overkamp
Anthony Overkamp Creative Director, Designer, Front-end Developer
Portrait of Henry Kenuam
Henry Kenuam Developer
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