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The Client

Beekley Medical

Beekly Medical text in blue with light blue tagline underneath reading

Beekley Medical is a supplier of medical products. They have a commitment to investing in the research and development of simple, low cost, disposable products that help medical imaging, surgical, and radiation oncology professionals improve communication, productivity, and patient care. They have distributors all over the world.

Rebuild All Around

Beekley sought to improve the tools behind the scene, powering the editing experience of their DNN site along with updating the colors, theme, and overall design. But, the site’s connection to third party tools had to stay intact. Beekley uses custom forms for pricing and samples along with a store/cart experience unique to their industry.

Project Points

  • Improve Admin Tools
  • Update Design
  • More Storytelling Experience
  • Quick CTAs

Old Tools Stunting Their Growth

The product section of the site was designed in a way that made growth difficult. Also, the product pages were catalog-like, and Beekley was interested in creating a storytelling approach to sharing about the benefits of their different product lines.


  • Old Tools
  • Product Catalog
  • User Engagement

Following the Data

Data first. Leveraging Google Analytics and Lucky Orange, we learned that search was the main action on the site. Most users would go directly to the search box in the upper righthand corner to search specifically for the product they were looking for. With that in mind, our design put search front and center. Instead of the usual hero banner, the search box is the banner followed by graphic cards that lead the user into the product categories.

Client Needs. As a medical supplier, Beekley has to follow strict guidelines for the display of their product information. Their previous tool was outdated and cumbersome. To keep it simple, we built the new editing experience around the mega-menu and connected it to the Product Safety Info and Resource Library.


  • Data Driven Design
  • Building in Elm
  • Following Strict Guidelines

Beekly Medical home page on desktop computer screen

A more intuitive, user-friendly site. A better backend system for editing product pages.

Each item in the mega-menu is a product category; therefore, our tool is the Category Admin. By clicking into each category, an administrator can see the sub-menu items and dive further in or can edit whichever category page they are on. Inside the page editor, the system is smart enough to know whether or not the page has children. If it has children, it will display that specific content. If it does not have children, it will display page detail level content. Editors can decide which content sections to turn on and each section has design styles that are automatically applied and only a few design options that an editor can define. Thus, keeping content displayed in a consistent manner.


  • More modern, easier to see design
  • Better admin tools
  • Robust search and filtering capabilities

Full Quote

"Engage upgraded our DNN CMS so that it is a more intuitive experience for structuring, building out and managing web pages while adhering to our brand standards. The new site provides the level of control we were seeking in place of our former site. We are better equipped with the right tools at our finger tips to scale up.

We set out to increase organic search by leading each page with rich content in storytelling format. We then pulled in the product specifications, and call to action for samples, pricing and add to cart from our previous site efforts - but in a more visually pleasing manner.

I am happy to say we are seeing an increase in online sales and inbound leads, with organic growth playing a significant role in what we are seeing. Engage has been a great team to partner with, and one who we continue to partner with for ongoing services." - Christine LeBlanc-Payne, Senior Manager of Digital Design

Enhancements & Future Projects

  • New Level of Control for Scaling Up
  • Increased Organic Search
  • Increased Online Sales
Portrait of Kristen Palm
Kristen Palm Project Manager
Portrait of Brian Dukes
Brian Dukes Chief Technical Officer
Portrait of Anthony Overkamp
Anthony Overkamp Creative Director, Designer, Front-end Developer
Portrait of Jon Bockhorst
Jon Bockhorst Senior Developer
Portrait of Kyle Smith
Kyle Smith Front End Developer
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