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The Client

American Society for Dermatologic Surgery (ASDS)

ASDS Website

The American Society for Dermatologic Surgery (ASDS) is the largest specialty organization in the United States exclusively representing dermatologic surgeons who have the unique training and experience required to treat the health, function and beauty of skin throughout every stage of life. ASDS advances the skin health and well-being of consumers through education, research and innovation in the art and science of surgical, medical and cosmetic treatments. The organization provides educational opportunities, networking forums, mentoring programs, public awareness activities, leadership activities and advocacy efforts to its members.


Aches and Pains

Supporting over 6,400 members in the United States and internationally, the Society’s website provided users with critical membership, educational, career and event resources. However, the website did not integrate with its custom, backend membership management system. This disconnect meant any membership data or payments submitted on the website had to then be manually entered into the organization’s membership system. ASDS needed an integrated website and membership system to streamline these time-consuming administrative processes and reduce the costs of managing memberships and membership-related data. ASDS also wanted to upgrade from the Ektron content management system (CMS) to a more robust CMS that would provide members with greater functionality and encourage online engagement. Additionally, the organization’s website was hosted on an outdated platform that was no longer being supported by the host provider.


  • Disparate website and custom, backend membership system
  • Manual processes for entering membership data and payments
  • Website platform no longer supported by host provider


We Deliver

After an extensive RFP process, ASDS selected Engage, experts in the design and development of web and mobile software solutions for businesses, organizations and nonprofits, to design and integrate a new website and membership management system. Engage's in-house, professional services team built a full new website on the DNN platform and implemented Engage AMS. While ASDS had originally planned to integrate its new website with its original backend membership system, the organization chose to implement Engage AMS, a fully integrated AMS and CMS platform, due to its comprehensive out-of-the-box functionality, including online payments, event registration, member portal and reports. This all-in-one solution eliminated the need for expensive custom development and streamlined the implementation process.

Solutions & Results

  • Engage AMS, a fully integrated AMS and CMS platform
  • A content-rich website built on DNN
  • Improved online member experience with self-service portal
  • Streamlined and integrated website and database management for internal staff
  • Increased the speed and efficiency of workflows



Portrait of Kevin O'Brien
Kevin O'Brien Developer/Project Manager
Portrait of Henry Kenuam
Henry Kenuam AMS Developer
Portrait of Alex Garcini
Alex Garcini Senior Front-End Developer
Portrait of Chris Steinmann
Chris Steinmann Developer
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