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Term: association management software
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In the past year we have released several updates - some focused on small improvements and a few major changes based on client feedback. Our continuous improvement Software as a Service (SaaS) model allows us to act quickly and release updates in a timely manner.
Here are some of the recent highlights:
We added an unsubscribe link to emails sent through broadcast allowing members/event registrants to opt-out of receiving those communications while still allowing to receive the event-specific registration emails.
With our work with associations, we have honed in on and become experts as to what makes a visually-appealing, user-friendly association website. Part of becoming experts means teaming up with other experts to bring you our shared knowledge. This is why we created the Association Best Practices webinar series. Our first series launched in 2017 and we have just launched the next round for 2019 and going into 2020. We hope you can join us for these free, educational opportunities.
Engage AMS continues to improve with releases 7.13, 7.14, and 7.1. The system can now check for duplicate memberships, auto-approve applications, support one person holding multiple membership types, and allow for company-based memberships instead of only individual memberships.
Want to attract more members? Associations should take a cue from the consumer world and adapt their membership to a “made-to-order” model.
Engage Software earned a spot in the top 1,000 B2B companies from around the world!
Engage Software’s Jason Stone recaps the association trends and technology discussed at AMS Fest - Fall 2018, Washington D.C.
Learn the four things that will help you focus your efforts when choosing a CMS platform.
"I Don’t Know What an AMS is and at this Point, I’m too Afraid to Ask." Association TRENDS fields the question: "What is an AMS?"