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Healthcare Web Design and Development

Engage has a proven track record of developing and designing websites for healthcare organizations: doctor’s offices, hospitals, medical specialty associations and more. Our experience has given us insight into the unique intricacies of this market – we know what works and what doesn’t to help build a web presence that adds value to the organization and patients alike.

Why Engage for Healthcare Web Design and Development?

Multi-tenant, Multi-site Management Solution

Ideally, your website should serve as a directory of all service providers. Your corporate site should not only showcase your branding and messaging but allow visitors search or “drill down” to services and providers by location. As experts in implementing Microsoft-centric (.Net-based) content management systems (CMS), we can seamlessly create multiple sites that reside under one roof. As a result of the platform’s flexibility, we can help healthcare organizations not only easily update content on existing sites, but also quickly and cost-effectively create additional sites for new services or network providers, all while maintaining branding control.

Plus, we can help you establish multiple user levels with varying permissions. This is a simple way to give different users, whether administrators or members, the appropriate access to the site without sacrificing the user experience or security.

Beyond Technical Support

Many organizations make the mistake of thinking that once their website is up and running, that’s the end of their website project. The truth is that the completion of a website launch phase is just the start of the website’s maintenance (or growth) phase. This is why we developed Engage Evolution.

We introduced Engage Evolution as a way for our team to provide our partner clients with proactive development services after their website launches. By employing Agile project management methodology we ensure clients continually look forward, keeping their websites fresh for years after it initially launches. Services included in Engage Evolution are based on each clients’ needs and can include anything from design UX/UI modifications to software version upgrades to adding additional functionalities to the website.

Content and Knowledge Sharing

Hospitals, doctor’s offices, nursing centers and research facilities can leverage our social collaboration and intranet tools to share content across the enterprise. By connecting employees, individuals can grasp a better understanding of strategies, marketing tactics, promotions and efforts that have been successful for other locations. This collaboration can lead to greater success among individual entities that, in turn, benefit the organization and clients as a whole.

CRM and CMS Integration

We recommend and integrate customer relationship management (CRM) solutions from today’s leading providers to help you get the most out of your investment. By seamlessly integrating your CRM and content management systems (CMS) within our user-friendly, intuitive designs, we can enable streamlined online interactions. Visitors can easily make an appointment, submit a question, or enroll and renew their membership directly on your site. You may even find that you’ll increase web traffic and reduce visitor “bounces.”

While CRM is the leading integration our clients often bring to us, we also integrate platforms with the web such as learning management systems, marketing automation platforms, financial software and others.

Mobile and Responsive Design

Mobile – or responsive – web design has become a necessity, not just a trend. Engage can optimize your site for viewing regardless of the user’s device, whether smartphone, desktop or tablet. With a responsive site, you’ll ensure content consistency and a positive user experience across the board.

For examples of our work in web development for healthcare, visit our showcase page.

Learn More

With a history of working with some of today’s leading brands, Engage understands the idiosyncrasies of healthcare organizations and knows how to best deploy website solutions that ensure brand consistency across your enterprise.

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