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When you love what you do...

By Dave Gambino

Engage is a top-tier technology firm. Though we're among the very best DotNetNuke developers in the world, our passion doesn't end at coding. We love being partners to our clients. We love to think alongside them about getting the best results from their projects. We love calling on our past experiences as marketers, business owners and ad agency creatives. And sometimes for all our efforts and all our energy we get emails like this one... 

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3000+ True Value Stores Leverage Corporate Content and an Easy-to-Use Interface to Build Custom Websites

By Dave Gambino

True Value Company, one of the world's largest retailer-owned hardware cooperatives, has built an agile business platform for its network of thousands of individual stores using DotNetNuke® as a foundation. Leveraging DotNetNuke and an easy-to-use site management front-end built by Engage Software, each local store owner can instantly provision and update a customized website tailored to meet the needs of that store, while taking advantage of national marketing efforts and content. More than 3,000 individual store websites are now running on a single instance of DotNetNuke, making the job of coordinating branding, product information, seasonal content and marketing promotions simple and effective for True Value's central marketing team.

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