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User Experience (UX) Design Resources for Association Website Managers

By Rich Campbell

When redesigning an association website, it is wise to seek user experience resources and data. User experience (or UX) is the crossroads of design, functionality, and site visitor interaction. It’s not just about striking images or clear navigation. It’s the takeaway “feeling” a person has after visiting and using your website. Its psychological and physical.

Association websites serve multiple audiences including their members, consumers, and policy makers to name a few. Each visitor type has specific needs and wants as they navigate through an association website and each will come away with a unique perspective on the association based on their website experience. As such, understanding the elements of user experience and gathering actionable user experience data is important for creating an effective association website and meeting its overall goals and objectives.

To help with your association website redesign efforts, Engage, an association website agency, is pleased to offer The Importance of User Experience in Association Website Design webinar on May 26, at 1:30 CDT. Learn from UX specialist, Danielle Cooley who has spent over 15 years improving the user experience on everything from devices, and process to websites. This is a no-fee event!

Register today!

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