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Engage Welcomes Two to Our Growing Team

By Rich Campbell

Engage welcomes two new employees to our team. Meet Kayle McLean and Joe Lissner:

Kayle McCleanKayle McLean, Project Manager: With more than five years of web development and project management experience, Kayle, project manager for Engage, guides enterprise clients through the web development process to ensure the creation of a professional, high-quality solution that aligns with the customers’ overall strategy. Kayle especially enjoys working with clients to see their vision of a project develop from a simple idea on paper to a working functional application at completion. Prior to Engage, Kayle served on the development team for goBrandgo!, after holding various positions for The Net Impact. When away from his desk, Kayle, an avid hockey fan and construction enthusiast, can be found doing something that involves an ice rink, a tool of sorts, his dog Brody, or just being active and enjoying what St. Louis has to offer. Connect with Kayle on LinkedIn

Joe LissnerJoe Lissner Web Developer: Joe brings a wide range of web development and design expertise to Engage, where he serves as a front-end developer. With a special interest in creating structured CSS in unison with semantic HTML, Lissner embraces a breadth of methodology and aspects of software development, including C#, JavaScript and DNN, as well as design theory. Prior to Engage, Lissner worked as a quality assurance specialist for Stifel Financial Corp., where he tested software using templates he made. In his free time, Joe likes to travel, explore languages and play Starcraft. Connect with Joe on LinkedIn

We are looking forward to seeing great work from Kayle and Joe as we continue to expand our staff to accommodate our growing client base!

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