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DNN 9 is here

By Dave Gambino

In a recent DNN Community Blog post entitled, "DNN 9 and the Future of the DNN Platform," DNN VP Technology & Community Relations, Joe Brinkman, shared that DNN 9 is en route and due for delivery by the end of 2016. True to Joe's word, DNN 9.0 is here. For information on the latest current version of DNN, please see my post "What is the latest version of DNN?"

DNN 9 Twitter Screen Shot

He went on to share that in DNN 9, the Persona Bar concept that is currently only available in the licensed Evoq version of DNN would be made part of the DNN platform. The plan was to also completely rebuild the control panel, admin and host modules to use this new framework.

Joe's blog post also laid out four goals to keep DNN relevant and able to innovate over the coming years:

  • To reconstruct DNN to minimize its reliance on Web Forms architecture
    • It is becoming more and more difficult to find developers who want to use Web Forms, so the embrace of SPA and MVC in DNN 8 is a major game-changer, and the creation of a completely new administrative framework in DNN 9 takes that vision to an exciting new level
  • To provide developers the freedom to use a variety of frameworks
    • As new frameworks mature and find broader audiences, it's important to know that your existing technology choices won't get in the way
  • To protect customers’ existing investments in DNN
    • Rather than making existing customers' sites obsolete and forcing migration efforts, DNN has made a conscious decision to respect customers' finite resources
  • To provide a fully-supported upgrade path for everyone
    • A lofty but admirable goal

Bottom line, Engage likes the direction DNN is headed and we look forward to getting our hands on each new release.

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