
DNNCon Baltimore 2016 Presentation: Analytics In, Analytics Out. Using Google Analytics to Guide and Grade Web Projects

DNNcon '16 is in the books. Josh Bradley and I are back in St. Louis ready to apply what we've learned and to keep practicing what we taught. 

The conference was a good one, with a solid turnout. There were attendees who came from as far away as Nigeria (Samuel and Segun, it was a genuine pleasure to meet you both!). Clint Patterson, the key note speaker, encouraged us to become influencers, and to encourage others in our networks to do the same. We need to continue to expand and grow the community. That's what DNNcon is about. It's about the DNN community. It's about working together to continue the evolution of an open source platform that can boast over 750,000 live instances on the web. It's the most popular .Net CMS outside of Sharepoint (which as we now know is on it's way out as a CMS), and its still both widely unknown, misunderstood and under-appreciated. lt remains an incredibly flexible and powerful tool, and it is the responsibility of the community to spread the good word.

The conference offered an analytics track, and I had the pleasure of being the first of several speakers on the topic. I opened with a beginner level overview of the tools, with the intent being to expose the uninitiated to something that could dramatically impact their website re-build projects. I recently read a quote on LinkedIn, "Doing marketing without data is like driving blind." That holds water for me. And in the case of Analytics, you're not blind and you have a map. It's not always a map that's easy to read, but if you don't even know it's there...



Presentations in SlideShares don't come across as well as video or live presentations, If I can help clarify slides or answer your questions on GA, please don't hesitate to reach out to connect with me. As a member of the DNN community, I would love to be a resource for you if I can.

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