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The Business of Software

By Rich Campbell

I just finished reading Eric Sick on the Business of Software by Eric Sink, the founder of SourceGear -- makers of source control products Vault and SourceOffSite (which we use here at Engage Software). It was a great book. Very insightful, funny and inspiring. I recommend it to anyone who works for an "ISV" (Independent Software Vendor). While the author targets the "Micro-ISV," I consider Engage Software to be more of a "Mini-ISV" but the concepts still apply. The book is essentially a collection of blog posts, categorized into sections: Entrepreneurship, People, Marketing and Sales. Since each chapter is a former blog post, there is a lot of over-lap with previous chapters, giving the sense of deja-vu. But all-in-all, it's an easy read and I really enjoyed it.

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