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Engage: Employment 1.2 has been released!

By Brian Dukes

We have released a major update for Engage: Employment, our DNN job listing module.  In version 1.2, we have added a number of new features and fixed all known bugs from version 1.1.

The most exciting new feature for Employment is the addition of Job Groups, which will allow much more customization and flexibility when using the module.  You can now assign jobs into job groups, and then set up various modules to display and edit specific job groups.  Before now, there was no way to segregate your jobs, every module always showed every job.  Now, you can separate jobs between locations or categories, or any way that you want.  In addition, you can also assign different security permissions to each module to better control who gets to create and update various job listings on your site.

Once you upgrade, you can add the Engage: Employment Job Group Admin module onto a page, and create the groups that you need and then assign your existing jobs into the groups.  After you assign a module to a specific group, every new job created from that module will automatically belong to that group, so it should be a pretty seamless experience in most cases, after the initial setup.

In addition to job groups, we also added a number of user-requested features to the application process.  We have added cover letter and lead fields to help you collect more information from your applicants.  We also added an options page to the Job Details module that lets you determine which fields you want to display and require.  Also, we now allow anonymous users to apply for job listings, once that setting has been set.

We've worked hard to make sure that this new release is something that will meet your needs and look good doing it.  We still have big plans for the future of this module, but are very pleased with where we've landed in version 1.2.

Planning a DNN upgrade? Download our guide