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Navigating With Environment Variables

By Brian Dukes

As a developer, and specifically as a DotNetNuke developer, there are a number of directories that I have to navigate to regularly.  In particular with DotNetNuke, I'm going to C:\inetpub\wwwroot\DotNetNuke\Website\DesktopModules quite a bit.  So, instead of having to try to type that in all the time, or navigate through the folder structure, I've defined an environment variable "dm" that is defined as that path to my Desktop Modules folder.  I can just type %dm% into an explorer prompt and be there without any hassle.  I've also setup a %wwwroot% shortcut, though it gets used much less often.  It's a lot like keeping a shortcut around in your dock/quick launch toolbar, but you can also use it in dialogs.  Hopefully this can help you trim off a few more seconds/minutes of monotony throughout your day.

What other solutions do y'all have for getting around to your often used files/folders?

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