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Module Support Process

By Rich Campbell

We take pride in trying to offer professional products and services to the DotNetNuke community. In providing commercial modules, two components of the module define professionalism - the quality of the product, and the quality of the support.

Recently we have done two things which we hope will continue to add to the overall quality of our modules (both the product and support).

  1. We're making our issue tracking system more transparent. With each release going forward, our modules will have a public facing road map and issues list. We're also opening up the issue tracking system (Gemini) to our user community. By doing this, we hope to engage our user community more fully and communicate more clearly the direction of our product development cycle. Check out our issues tracking system at support.engagemodules.com
  2. The Support page on engagemodules.com has been revamped to better define our process and the tools available for support and feedback. By making  the support page a one-stop-shop, we hope to make prodcut support as painless as possible.
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