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Engage: Events - the wait is almost over

By Rich Campbell
The Engage: Events BETA period is coming to a close

The final BETA release is feature complete. What you see in Engage: Events BETA will be what you get in Engage: Events 1.0. We're still seeking your help to make sure the features that are included in Engage: Events work properly, function as expected, and position the product to quickly improve upon the initial release.

How can you help?

Our Alpha and Beta Testers gave us great feedback. To continue to improve on Beta and version 1.0, we'll need more of your great participation and input.

If you would like to help shape Engage: Events, there are tools available:

Some of the examples of the great feedback we've already incorporated into our product include:

  • We heard the data pickers were hard to read. In Engage: Events Beta we've cleaned up the date picker to make it more intuitive (EVT-48)
  • We heard a resounding need to flag events as featured and now Engage: Events has featured events with a new display just for featured events (EVT-50)

Please note: upon releasing Engage: Events 1.0, the Alpha and Beta releases will expire. But we will provide our Beta users with a special discount offer. Stay tuned for more details...

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