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DotNetNuke 5 User’s Guide Brinkman Review

By Rich Campbell

Joe Brinkman wrote a positive (and in my biased opinion fair) review of “DotNetNuke 5: User’s Guide,” the book co-authored by Chris and me. The thing I was most excited about in Joe’s review was that he understood one of our key goals in writing this book – keep it simple. DotNetNuke can be an extremely powerful and useful tool for building websites.

The issue I have always had with other DNN books is that they tend to overcomplicate using DNN by introducing all of the complexity that makes DNN great once you’ve climbed the learning curve. These books were confusing for me the first time I started investigating and learning DNN. Now that I’ve worked with DNN for years, they make sense and are fantastic references for flexing the powerful features of DNN. What we’ve done in our book is make sure the reader understands the basics of using DNN.

Writing this book was challenging as it is always hard to corral the swirling ideas and exciting ways to use DNN we have for the product, but in the end it feels good to have Joe acknowledge that we hit the mark.

Check out more information on our book and some of the other publications we’re proud of here at Engage.

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