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Simple Design Reflected Through Engage: TRANSLUCENT

By Anthony Overkamp

Engage: TRANSLUCENT is a clean, simple design fully optimized for site performance and customization. The skin would be ideal for any small business site, personal site, blog, or online portfolio. The inspiration for the design revolves around my belief in the importance of whitespace, or negative space, as well as a detailed eye on typography. This skin acts as a nice minimal support for bold content, or as a great springboard for those who are a little more DIY, but need a bit of a head start with the code.

Whitespace is often one of the key elements to a good design. It is the factor that gives the contents positioning balance, helps to better emphasize information, and creates a firm layout. Using proper whitespace gives a certain feeling of comfort with what fills the space, which aids the user in digesting the content and helps with the sites overall flow.

When used properly, typography can be very effective as a design element as well as supporting the overall site design. With Engage: TRANSLUCENT, we use the typography to create a well-developed hierarchy with simple size, style, and weight changes. By using CSS font styles, the skin produces easy consistency between the typography across the entire site, clearly establishing precedence and importance.

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