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Recommitment to Engage Modules

By Brian Dukes

With the advent of 2010, we at Engage took some time to reevaluate our products business (Engage Modules and Engage Skins).  The last six months or so of 2009, we were swamped with client work and were unable to make any substantial enhancements or fixes to our DotNetNuke modules.  We recognized that this was unacceptable, and have been working to restructure our business and commitments so that we can maintain a consistent support, maintenance, and enhancements for all of our products.  As a result, we've made some internal changes to make sure that work on our product lines cannot be ignored because of client work, however pressing it may seem.

Hopefully you've been aware of the recent releases of Engage: Events 1.3.0 and Engage: Employment 1.6.0. These are the first results of our new commitment to bringing our module support and maintenance back up to the quality and regularity that our customers deserve.  We're also working to bring a consistent flow of high quality DNN skins into the community, starting with this week's release of Engage: Zeen, a free skin based on the Magazeen WordPress theme.

As the Chief Software Architect overseeing our module development here at Engage, I'm very excited to be able to get back into development of these products.  These modules have a place in my heart, and it's been hard not being able to attend to some of the big issues that our modules have had outstanding these last few months.  I'm excited that issues with Events and Employment which have been staring me in the face have been addressed, and that we can start bringing some of our most requested enhancements into these and other products.  Keep an eye on SnowCovered, and our Engage website and newsletters for enhancements to our existing lines of products, as well as some new additions that we have planned.  We look forward to earning your continued business with us.

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