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Lookin' Good CodePlex Foundation

By Rich Campbell

The CodePlex Foundation enables the exchange of code and understanding among software companies and open source communities. That’s HOT. When CodePlex Foundation asked us to help enhance the features and design of their website we were giddy. Not only did this project allow us to do some exciting work, but we jumped at the chance to work with an organization whose mission we could get behind.

Throughout this project, a guiding principle for the foundations’s website was to build upon open source solutions. DotNetNuke (DNN), as the leading open source project on the .Net platform, was a perfect fit, both technically and philosophically.

The CodePlex Foundation website is a shining example of how a flexible content management system can help an organization’s site grow as the organization grows. We started working with CodePlex Foundation when the site had a small number of static pages and the completely different branding. We took their static site with the existing design, and implemented using DotNetNuke (DNN).

codeplex foundation web design

As the branding changed and the site grew, the foundation's website easily adapted. The skinning features of DNN allowed us to completely redesign the website without losing content. As more galleries and projects became a part of the foundation, the website easily welcomed the new content. Additionally, each gallery and project owner now has the ability to manage their information. The leadership at the foundation is frequently providing news, announcements, and blogs on their website.

We’re excited to work with CodePlex Foundation as their community grows and proud to see their site grow as the continue act on their mission.

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