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Engage Software, DotNetNuke Gold Certified Partner

By Rich Campbell
DotNetNuke Certified Gold Partner

Engage is proud to announce we have earned the Gold Certified status within the DotNetNuke Partner program. We have been an active supporter of the DNN project for many years with the DotNetNuke Benefactor and Sponsor programs. Engage has also been a DotNetNuke Partner since the program was announced.

The new partner program has more rigorous requirements than ever before and now includes certification exams. Engage has achieved certifications in DotNetNuke Administration, Module Development, Skin Design, Hosting, Website Development and DotNetNuke Professional.

DNN Administration DNN Module Development DNN Skin Design DNN Hosting DNN Website Development DNN Professional

We look forward to our ongoing partnership with DotNetNuke Corporation as we continue to deliver high-quality, sustainable DotNetNuke implementations to our customers.

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