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Sharepoint is dead for websites - That's not our opinion, that's from Microsoft

By Dave Gambino

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In an albeit quiet, but official announcement (support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/3027254), Microsoft has shared that "SharePoint Online Public Website" is no longer available. New customers who subscribe to Office 365 won't have access to it. Old customers have less than 2 years to migrate to another platform. 

Engage has migrated SharePoint sites to DNN in the past, but this has to be the best reason yet to make the move. Just as Microsoft is phasing SharePoint  Online Public Website out, DNN has improved on their product once again having recently released the more marketing-friendly, Evoq 8. Improvements in UI, UX, analytics and site health, and out-of-the-box 3rd party integrations to cloud repositories like Box and marketing automation systems like Marketo (see "Evoq 8: It's time to start thinking about an upgrade") have resulted in their best release yet.

If you're migrating your site from SharePoint, it's a logical choice to move to another .NET-based CMS to minimize the pain of the process. CMSs like DNN Evoq, Umbraco, Kentico, Sitefinity, Sitecore and Ektron (ok, so Ektron's technically been acquired by Episerver and is likely on its way out too, so scratch that) are all options. Among the top million sites on the web, DNN is the most popular among those options. If popularity is any indication, DNN becomes a safe and solid choice.

As a DNN-only shop we're obviously biased, but there's good reason we're DNN and DNN only. Its extensibility, scalability and reliability make it a great choice for our clients, and with our level of expertise on the platform we can make it do what it needs to do. We can integrate it with other systems, we can make it look pretty, and most importantly we can make it work. 

If you're considering the switch, please reach out. Oh, and be sure to ask us about our SharePoint to DNN migration tool when you call.

Planning a DNN upgrade? Download our guide