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Another Great OpenForce Conference in Las Vegas (v2009)

By Rich Campbell

This was my second time in a row to have the honor of presenting my knowledge about the most widely adopted .NET framework called DotNetNuke. One of the most appealing reasons for me to devote my time to help build a better open-source framework like DotNetNuke is the wonderful community. I had to admit, I have never involved in using too many frameworks out there closely so I can't tell how great their communities are. But one thing I can assure you that DotNetNuke has a very intimate community that pretty much everyone knows each other and have used each other products.

Paul Scarlett is one of the regulars in the community I ran into this year and he commented "I came to this conference because of the people". Paul is not the only one who has this kind of feeling. I am one of them as well. I came to the conference not just to share my knowledge to the community, but to meet and greet people I've worked with through the phone, e-mail, messenger... and any other mean of communication you can think of but I've never gotten to meet them in person. And this conference is just a perfect opportunity to finally interact in person.

The conference went well. We've had such an exciting year and lots of changes around DotNetNuke community. I enjoyed meeting many new faces as well as the regulars just to geek out about new technologies that'll bundle in version 5.2 of DotNetNuke release.

It was exciting to meet Peter Donker, the man behind a great document management module for DotNetNuke called DMX. Bruce Chapman also took the time to fly across the world from Queensland, Australia to come and meet people at this North America conference. These are well-repected, influential people in the community who have their products used across the world by many organizations.

That's it. I look forward to another successful OpenForce in 2010 and hope to see all of you there.

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