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Journey to a Great DayOfDNN Event

By Rich Campbell

I had the privilege of presenting at the first annual DayfOfDNN event in beautiful Tampa, FL last week. Chris and I arrived in Tampa a few days before the event started to get situated for our pre-event training workshop. The weather was by far much better than the hot and humid summer days in St. Louis. We had a great time meeting new people and working with them at the pre-event workshop and the pre-event party.

At the DayOfDNN, I was surprised to see the many new faces that came to learn/explore the DotNetNuke platform. I thought at this event I was going to see many familiar faces in the community and a few newbies, but I was wrong. The audiences at my sessions were completely new to DNN and eager to learn what the framework can do to help their specific business goals. A common question I asked during my sessions was “How many people in this room new to DotNetNuke?” and I got an overwhelming number of hands raised up. Now that makes me happy. It’s exciting to me that DotNetNuke is gradually being recognized by more and more people. They made the effort to attend the event and gave DotNetNuke a chance to convince them why it is a great framework for their web presence.

Overall, I think the DayOfDNN event came out as a great success. It was great to meet and talk with Bradon Haynes, Stan Schultes, Jeff Cochran, Joe Healy and many others in person. I also enjoyed talking with many attendees, speakers and volunteers. Thanks to all for their efforts to make the event such a wonderful learning and networking opportunity. I think Will did a great job putting this event together and I look forward to the 2010 event.

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