
Google releases latest mobile survey

If you read Engage's blog or get our email newsletter you know we just announced that True Value successfully launched a solution for its participating stores to have mobile versions of their TruSite websites. By sheer coincidence Google released "hot off the press" results from a new research study the same day we made that announcement. The study covered what users really want from mobile sites, so of course we wanted to see how we did.


First, let me share some of the lessons Google learned from their study. 

  • Mobile users have unique on-the-go needs, and they look for content that meets those needs. 
  • Mobile users research more, shop more and buy more.
  • Mobile users say a mobile friendly site would make them more likely to buy a product of use a service.
  • Mobile users get annoyed when a site isn't mobile friendly
  • A bad mobile experience harms the user's opinion of the brand.

They also shared more specific findings on the retail vertical, saying mobile users are looking to:

  • Get directions or operating hours: 74 %
  • Contact the store: 64%
  • Find product information: 61%
  • Make a purchase or order a service: 50%

These retail stats give credence to things we already believe at Engage, so how did we do with True Value?

  •  Get directions or operating hours: Easily available. In this case, we tied directions straight to your mobile device's native mapping.
  • Contact the store: Phone numbers are front and center at the top of the page, plus we made them click-to-dial for convenience.
  • Find product information: A catalog of product information is readily available.
  • Make a purchase or order a service: Not yet, True Value's site isn't an e-commerce site and the intent is that the site gets people in the brick and mortar stores, so we're not bummed to not have this one on our checklist.

Plus they also shared that 81% of users want your site to load in under 5 seconds. True Value? 4.61 seconds.

Long story short? Our conclusion is that this study confirms that True Value's stores' mobile sites rock.

Are you thinking about taking your site mobile? Give me a call: 314-884-2448.

For more information, check out these links:

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