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Evangelizing DotNetNuke, Is It My Job?

By Rich Campbell

Inspired by Seth Godin’s blog post “Don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone”, I decided to write this post to remind you about the job of evangelizing DotNetNuke if you’re already a big fan.

Seth's idea is that if you really like the restaurant in your neighborhood, you should help them promoting it. If you don't, nobody is going to know about this good restaurant with great foods. When less people know about it, they will be more likely to go out of business especially during this economic downturn. And the result is obviously you can't enjoy the food there any more.

I am proud to be part of the DotNetNuke community. I’m lucky enough to work with DotNetNuke on a regular basis. One of the benefits of using DotNetNuke is not only it’s an open-source product, but also is one of the most powerful frameworks ever built on .NET platform. I’m sure many of you have heard about the big news over the past few weeks about the corporation closed a Series A Funding for the project. As Nik Kalyani, Joe Brinkman and Shaun Walker share their thoughts with great journeys they’ve taken, it’s seems like this is only the beginning.

With the state of the economy heading south, many businesses concern about their future. If you think DotNetNuke is a great product, then you should let people know about it. You should help promoting it so we can all build a better community to improve the product. But if you don’t, it’s more likely that the project won’t be used more often by many people.

If you don’t like what DotNetNuke has to offer. Make it clear and let them hear you so they will make the change. Either actively involve in reporting to Gemini about issues or making suggestions on how to improve it. DotNetNuke is the project for the community. And being a member in this community, you are obligated to promote and let others know about it.

With the exciting news about funding and branding and marketing initiatives Navin Nagiah, CEO of DotNetNuke, mentioned at his “Open Source and Commercialization, Walking the Razor's Edge” session in Las Vegas, the coming years will be even more exciting for all. And YOU are one of the key factors to the success of the project. Are you ready to become an agent of change for DotNetNuke? What have you done to promote DotNetNuke in the past years?

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