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DotNetNuke Skinning Tutorial Book

By Rich Campbell

Back in November 2007, I was invited to be a technical reviewer for a book called DotNetNuke Skinning Tutorial by Packt Publishing Company. Having seen limited resources about DotNetNuke skinning, I agreed to be involved in the project instantly. It was an exciting experience since I have never had any experience in working with formal documentations besides DotNetNuke training documentations I wrote here with the team.

I got started with the actual review shortly after a few conversations regarding roles, responsibilities and agreements with the team at Packt. Four months later, we wrapped up the book and got ready for production.

This month marks the release of the book. You can now pre-order the book at Packt Publishing Company's website and it can be shipped within the month. The book will also be available through other online vendors shortly after it's published.

This book will be a great resource for beginners that desire to learn DotNetNuke skinning. It walks through detailed steps from setting up the environment locally to configuring and customizing skin objects. It is entirely guided with simple approaches to escalate the learning curve for non-developers.

I hope you’ll find the book helpful and beneficial in DotNetNuke skinning development on future projects.


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