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Error installing VS 2005 content templates

By Rich Campbell

Running all the new .NET 3.0 goodness on your development machine, but want to install content templates (maybe the DNN starter kit?) for Visual Studio 2005? You may see this error: Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.Wizardframework, Version=,...'

Here is a real simple workaround for the issue.

I ran into this issue today while installing the latest version of the DotNetNuke starter kit on my laptop. I don't usually use the starter kit, but I'm going to go over this as part of a presentation tomorrow that I'm giving to the St. Louis DotNetNuke User Group.

Here is some background information and a workaround that I found in a thread entitled Error on Installation at the codeplex forums....The thread is regarding installing content templates for DocProject for Sandcastle but it is the same process for the DotNetNuke templates.....


The issue is that the system updated the location of the latest wizard framework when I installed one of the .NET 3.0 tools (I'm not sure which one). The 8.0 dlls are still on the system but so are the new 9.0 dlls. For some reason (registry key or config file I think) the install is loading the 9.0 version. To get around this I put the 8.0 dlls in the GAC so .NET could find them. Then the install worked just fine. I then removed the 8.0 dlls from the GAC.

1) Start the .NET 2.0 Confiuration Utility. Start | Control Panel | Administrative Tools | Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Configuration

2) In the left hand tree view, open the My Computer item, and right-mouse the Assembly Cache item.

3) Click Add.. menu option

4) Select the BOTH the Microsoft.WizardFramework.dll and Microsoft.WizardFrameworkVS.dll. The are located in the Visual Studio 2005, Common, IDE directory. By default is in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Common7\IDE. On x64 systems it's under the Program Files (x86) directory. Make sure you add both dll's to the GAC.

5) Run the install, it should work now.

6) Now remove the dll's from the GAC. In the Config Utility scroll down until you find the Microsoft.WizardFramework and right-mouse click on it. Click the Delete menu item. This will NOT "Delete" the orgianl dlls on the disk, just remove the item from the GAC. Repeat for the Microsoft.WizardFrameworkVS dll as well.

hope reposting this information helps,


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