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OpenForce07 Update For Monday Evening

By Rich Campbell

Well today was a fun day for the first day of OpenForce07. At noon we had a core team gathering over at the Luxor. It was an excellent time for everyone to socialize and meet face to face, many for the first time. I can't even begin to list off all the names of people I met for the first time today but it was a great event. Many thanks to Michael Washington for organizing it and Will M. from Activemodules.com for sponsoring it. The discussions we all got to have were great and I look forward to continuing many of them throughout the week!

I didn't take the camera with me so I had to snap a quick picture with my cell phone. This is a shot of Michael saying "respect the nuke!"

This evening there was a keynote and then vendor expo. There was plenty of goodies to be had. My favorite being the Woot Monkey look alike (vendor slips my mind right now, something with scripting)! I'll have to snap a picture of it later this week. The thing is loud! I'll have to shoot some video as well.

I got to meet a few more faces from the Core Team this evening as well as speak with some interesting vendors out there. I talked with Dimitry from Telerik for a few minutes and hope to get to play with some Telerik controls a bit more over the next few months. I got a nice 1gb flash drive from ComponentArt and look forward to playing with that as well.

I'll try to take the camera with me tomorrow and do some more blogging from the event as I will have the laptop as well.

If you're in Vegas for OpenForce please feel free to find me, I should have some free EngageModules.com t-shirts to give out as long as I haven't gone through my alotment for the day.

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