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Engage: Publish 4.4 released!

By Rich Campbell

I'm personally excited to announce that the 4.4 release of Engage: Publish has been uploaded to our EngageModules.com website and is available for purchase. If you've previously purchased Engage: Publish and are within your one year window you can also download this release for free.

The biggest feature for 4.4 is the implementation of Caching within the module which should help to speed up sites that utilize Engage: Publish and minimize the number of database requests for each page load. You can find out more new features and bug fixes by checking out the Release Notes page, also look at the release notes for 4.3.7 which never released publicly but all of those items are also included in 4.4.0.

Engage: Publish 4.4 does require the 9/20 release of the AjaxControlToolkit.

As with all upgrades for DNN, please backup your filesystem and database in case something happens to go haywire. It's better to be prepared before hand than to scramble franticly afterwards.

If you're going to be at OpenForce07 next week in Las Vegas be sure to track me down! If you've purchased a copy of any of our modules from www.engagemodules.com I'll give you a free EngageModules.com t-shirt (quantities limited!).


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