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Engage: Publish, vNext update for 10/26/2007

By Rich Campbell

So I had hoped to have the 4.3.7 release of Engage: Publish out last week, but towards the end of the week a few things came up in the code that we decided needed to be handled prior to a release. A few of the items were small bugs that had popped up in some new testing we were doing. One of the major things was performance issues that were starting to pop up.

As more and more people start using Engage: Publish we've started to see some performance items we'd like to implement within the code in order to speed up the sites that are using Publish. Beginning on Monday Brian Dukes and I started taking a good hard look at Caching within the module. As for Friday afternoon the code has been added into Publish that will allow an administrator to setup a default Cache time for all Publish content, and then be able to override that setting on a module by module basis if necessary.

Currently we are caching the lists that are used for Category Display, Item Listing, Category Feature and Custom Display. I've also implemented caching at the article level, so we cache the latest version of an article once loaded, for the default cache time.

How will this effect your website using Engage: Publish? Out of the box it won't , you'll have configure the default Cache setting in order to get the performance benefits of the caching. Before I release the next version of Publish I'll be updating the Publish Wiki with an overview of the caching and how to enable it.

Before the next release happens we'll be putting the module through another round of testing, just to make sure what Brian and I have implemented doesn't cause any problems. Stay tuned for an announcement next week as that release is tested and then released to the Public. It will be released next week before I leave for OpenForce07 in Vegas next Saturday.

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