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Silverlight, user interface and developers

By Rich Campbell

If you recall the basic marketing principles in college when you’re taking “Marketing 101”, two of the elements that contribute to the success of your products are making it easy to use/operate and writing the best user manual.

Last week at Tulsa TechFest, Microsoft team has focused heavily on Silverlight (also known as Windows Presentation Foundation or WPF) to enhance user experience on the web.

The product line behind the technology is Microsoft Expression Studio which includes Expression Web, Expression Blend, Expression Designer, Expression Media and Expression Encoder. This suite targets developer struggles with improving their applications user interface.

There always have been issues between designer and developer when it comes to making applications more user-friendly and visually appealing. Microsoft addresses this issue by introducing Expression Studio so you, as a developer, can create your own sleek UI as seen in Windows Vista.

I have not read any book about Expression Studio but through attending some Silverlight sessions, it sure seems that Expression Studio makes things easier for developer to accomplish than Adobe products do.

Check out the showcase at Microsoft Silverlight here.

Now I have seen the new technology, I can’t wait to see more rich- internet applications introduced in the next few years. Let’s focus on users, build something more user-friendly, add a little “designer touch”, you’ll leave your competitors behind.

I look forward to seeing this technology used by the DotNetNuke community to create something that catches up with the “Web 2.0” technology.

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