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Engage: Publish 4.2 released

By Rich Campbell

Last week we were able to release the long awaited new release of Engage: Publish with all new bells and whistles.

Engage: Publish is an article management system / workflow engine for your DotNetNuke portal. It provides advanced content management capabilities with workflow - approval, content categorization and related articles. 

With Engage: Publish you’ll never have to worry about clicking the update button in DotNetNuke.  Your content history is safe and sound.  Plus, if you have multiple authors of content, you’ll be secure knowing that the content created by your authors will not be “live” until an administrator approves.  All this plus several different ways of managing content categories and displays you'll wonder how you ever lived without Publish.

A demo of Engage: Publish can be found at http://demo.engagemodules.com and you can find tutorials, videos, and more on the Publish Wiki page.



  • Proven Content Approval Workflow
  • Multiple Levels of Category Creation
  • Article Versioning
  • Ajax-Enabled Ratings and Comments
  • Tuned for Better Search Engine Optimization
  • Multiple relationships, articles can be related to multiple categories, as well as other articles.
  • Categories can be related to other categories in a parent/child hierarchy
  • Printer friendly support
  • RSS support
  • Advanced searching within categories
  • Successfully passed the DotNetNuke Review Program
  • Many more


    Engage: Publish 4.2 requires DotNetNuke 4.5.1, the ASP.NET Ajax Toolkit, and the ASP.NET Ajax Framework. Engage: Publish has been through the DotNetNuke Module Review program

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