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Evoq 8: It's time to start thinking about an upgrade.

By Dave Gambino

evoq 8

Released to the world on February 4, 2015, DNN Software's newest iteration of their licensed edition, Evoq 8 (now known as "Evoq Content"), will further empower marketers to "publish, personalize and measure content anywhere online."

DNN recently hosted their most well-attended webinar in company history, previewing Evoq 8. There appears to be some pent up demand for this new version. Clearly, we already love DNN and Evoq, so our opinion is biased, but we're told the feedback from customers and prospects alike was very, very positive. A recording of the webinar can be found here.

Here are a few sneak-peek screen grabs...


evoq 8 content analytics

Google analytics tracking is still a click and paste play, but in addition, Evoq will now itself offer statistics on page views, referrers, unique visitors and conversions. In a new and potentially improved way to interact with analytics, all are presented as an overlay on each web page. DNN shares, "Any marketer, regardless of their level of proficiency with analytics, can immediately understand how content is performing, without navigating to a separate web analytics system."


Today’s web visitors expect personalized experiences (and that personalization makes for stronger engagement and improves return visits). Users expect to see what they want, when they want it. In the past DNN's inherent Roles and Permissions enabled this kind of functionality, but with Evoq 8 you can more easily build personalization rules that tailor site content based on the visitor's profile.

Rules are based on geography, account registration (i.e. registered vs. non-registered users), gender, age, recent visits, referral source, search terms and even ad clicks. We expect this is an area that the market will pay close attention to. It is rare for a new client to approach us these days without looking for this type of functionality on some level.


Evoq Content includes built-in connectors to the following systems:

  • Box
  • Dropbox
  • Amazon S3
  • Microsoft SharePoint
  • Marketo

evoq 8 asset manager

Setting up each connector is easy: enter the relevant credentials and the integration is completed in a single click. 

The new Box, Dropbox, Microsoft SharePoint and Amazon S3 connectors should make it easy for admins to incorporate cloud-hosted assets into Evoq without costly customization efforts..

Plus, Evoq's Marketo connector allows you to connect your website to a Marketo-based marketing automation system.


Another function that we believe will garner a lot of attention is the ease of how users can now create and manage new pages. You can select from a collection of built-in layouts, or assemble your own via drag-and-drop. The new “Content Layout” module provides a set of built-in layouts (e.g. 25% + 75%, 50% + 50%, 5x20% and more) to easily select and create your own panes structure in your theme - or you can simply define your own as a template, available for use on all of your other pages.

Perhaps most importantly, responsive web design is effectively provided “out of the box,” meaning the page content you create is already mobile-ready -- your content will adapt based on the dimensions of the device, be it desktop, tablet or phone.

Planning a DNN upgrade? Download our guide