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Come Hack on DNN with Engage

By Brian Dukes

What is it?

All of the Engage office is going to be working on enhancements to the DNN platform. We'll be focusing on enhancements to DNN's text editor, replacing the existing RadEditor provider with an editor provider based on CKEditor, as well as other related enhancements as we're able. All are welcome to join us at our office in St. Louis, and we'll give you some tasks and work through the contributing process.

When is it?

Friday, December 5, we'll have the office open from 9:00am until folks are done.

Who is going to be involved?

All of the Engage office is going to be working on DNN or otherwise helping with the logistics of the hackathon. All developers familiar with DNN in the St. Louis area are welcome and invited to come by and participate as much as you're able.

What's in it for me?

You get to hang out with the world class folks at Engage! And, we'll supply you with breakfast, pizza, Eed Bull, beer, and fun. We'll also be working together to better the platform which is the foundation for many of our projects, business and personal.

What if I'm not in St. Louis?

Feel free to take this opportunity to spend some time making DNN better. We'll be keeping an eye on DNN Chat, and try to direct and help out as we can. That said, we'll have tasks and direction for the folks in St. Louis, but probably won't have specific projects ready for the broader internet community.

What do I need to do?

Send us a message if you're going to be coming to the office, so we can prepare to have enough food, beverages, seating, and other supplies available. Also, get familiar with contributing and setup your local DNN development environment. If you're not familiar with how to do that, check out my recent blog post on contributing to DNN on GitHub.

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