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Back from the DNN Partner Advisory Council meeting and feeling the "energization!"

By Dave Gambino

A few short hours after I left San Francisco, the Giants won the World Series. I just missed being part of that celebration. Sure, the game was in KC, and as a Cards fan I was rooting for the Royals as I watched on my iPhone on my flight, but I would have enjoyed being in the midst of the revelry in SF. It’s a joy to be in the middle of positive energy.

Jason Stone Selfie with DNN CEO Navin NagiahI was in San Francisco attending DNN’s Partner Advisory Council meeting. As a long-time Gold Partner, Engage has the opportunity each year to meet with DNN’s leadership (the selfie to the left is me and DNN CEO Navin Nagiah), to hear about the roadmaps for both DNN and Evoq, and to provide our thoughts and perspectives on the direction of the company and its products. DNN values its partners’ input – good and bad. This year, the mood was decidedly upbeat. The partners in attendance were optimistic and enthusiastic about improvements that are coming in 2015 and about the marketing-centric approach that DNN is now taking. 

If the partners’ energization* is any indication, 2015 is going to be a very, very exciting year for those of us in the DNN space.

There’s a lot of information on its way out about the roadmap for DNN 7.5, Evoq 8.0 and Evoq Social 3.0.
Stay tuned and be prepared to feel the energization yourself.

* “Energization” is a word I accidentally coined at the event to express something akin to “contagious enthusiasm.” My mouth was moving faster than my brain as I rushed out an excited thought during a Q&A session.



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