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The 7 Habits of Engage

By Rich Campbell

At Engage we believe in investing in the professional development of our employees. While building professionals who can effectively communicate with our customers has always been a priority for us, we also stress a healthy work-life balance.

Recently, I revisited one of the most influential books I've read - The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. I've read (or listened to) the book four times now throughout my life. Not only does it teach us how to be more "effective" but also reinforces work-life balance principles. I highly recommend it to everyone - especially those who are members of a team.

Realizing how powerful the material is, we've decided to weave The Habits into the Engage culture. This started with an overview/kick-off session where we all took the 7 Habits personal assessment. Based on how we scored, we will all teach one of the 7 Habits to the group - one Habit at a time. While I look forward to a continued deeper understanding of the material (internalizing the habits), most of all I look forward to seeing how our outstanding young professionals can become even more effective in their lives. Our journey awaits, Habit 1: Be Proactive coming next week to Engage...

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