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Engage Celebrates 15th Anniversary

By Rich Campbell

2014 is shaping up to be a banner year for us. In an age where 90% of tech start-ups fold within their first five years of existence, we celebrated our 15th anniversary last month – May 26, to be exact. Over time, our company has grown from a consulting firm, to a leader in the DNN community, and now a full-service web development firm that serves a diverse set of organizations. Despite the changes we’ve experienced over the years, our company’s standard of producing high quality results remains the same.

Meanwhile, times are changing around our office. In fact, we’re moving to a larger space in St. Louis in August. The move will help us better serve our clients and accommodate our growing staff, which includes two new faces: Software Developer Todd Horn and Project Manager Josh Williams. Todd, who held a variety of software-related positions before coming to Engage, is responsible for designing, installing and testing web and mobile solutions. Josh, with more than five years of project management experience, is tasked with guiding our clients through the web development process, ensuring the final product meets our customers’ needs.

With the new additions to the Engage team and the upcoming office move – as well as several new clients– our 15-year anniversary year is becoming one to remember. However, a decade and a half in the tech industry wouldn’t be possible without our talented, hard-working staff and the companies we’ve been fortunate enough to work with during that time. We are looking forward to continued growth and expansion over the next 15 years.
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