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Engage Modules now Open Source!

By Rich Campbell

In 2008, Engage released our first commercial module, Engage: Publish, to a wonderful reception from the DNN community. Soon after, Engage created several more top-selling modules – committing nearly 7,000 man hours to their development. We were very successful at creating solutions that met system integrators’ needs and, hopefully, exceeded their expectations.

Since the "early days," DNN's adoption by larger organizations has grown significantly. Instead of us recommending DNN as a solution to organizations who have never heard of it, we are now sought out by organizations specifically for our DNN expertise. Our project workload has grown such that we are left with very little, if any, time to spend on our modules. Over the last year, we have been unable to support our modules at the high level our customers expected.

Going forward, to best serve our clients, we need to turn our attention fully to their needs. As a result, our ability to continue to invest time and energy in the module space has come to an end. Engage Modules are no longer offered for sale under a commercially supported license.

In the spirit of contributing to open source and specifically to the DNN ecosystem, Engage has open-sourced all of our modules. All Engage modules are now available for FREE to the DNN Community at large, licensed under the MIT open source license. Source code and module install packages are available on GitHub. The forums on EngageModules.com are still available as a community-supported resource.

Engage will continue as stewards of these modules. We’ll be making periodic updates of our own and we welcome contributions from the community.

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