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DNNCon 2013 Recap

By Brian Dukes

Update: We've just heard that DNNCon 2014 has been announced, for November 7 & 8 in West Palm Beach, FL again. Sign up at DNNCSummit.org or keep an eye on their social media accounts (Facebook and Twitter) for forthcoming details.

The Engage team just got back from attending DNNCon, where I gave two presentations, Creating URL Providers for Your Custom Extensions and Contributing to Open Source Projects on GitHub and CodePlex.  Jason Stone also presented Enterprise Social Networking - A Primer.

We really enjoyed our time with the community, both enjoying old friends and getting insights to how people are using DNN and interacting with the code and the community.

I was honored to receive a renewal of my DNN MVP status, and excited to see Engage's Oliver Hine be inducted into the group this year.  We'll be providing feedback to DNN Corp over the next year, advocating for the folks who need a louder voice.  I really appreciate the opportunity that DNN gives us to get direct access to many folks within the organization, to have a place to work towards making DNN the best we know how to make it.

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