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Introducing Evoq Engage from DNN (Video)

By Dave Gambino

Introducing Evoq Engage from DNN

Note: Engage and Evoq Engage are coincidental names, one being our company, the other being a licensed software platform from DNN Corporation.

Your time is valuable, so why read about the power of Evoq Engage when you can watch? Here's a quick (2:45) video from DNN Software that hits the highlights of why you should take a closer look at DNN's enterprise social network, Evoq Engage.

Engage created iheartdnn.com on DNN Evoq Engage. The platform is a powerful and capable one that will compete with the likes of Yammer, Jive, Telligent, IBM Connections and others. Where it will stand apart is Engage seamless integration within the DNN / Evoq CMS. Since Evoq Content and Social are intertwined, users will not be forced to move from one site to another system, and developers won't need to build custom integration solutions for membership (SSO) or APIs to transfer information from one system to the other.

Do you have questions about Evoq Engage? Please share them in the comments below or feel free to contact us directly. We're happy to help.

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